The site contains several small web apps.

   Internet & Browsing
Firescan Scan firewall.
Safe Check password.
Multiload Create a multiload URL.
Links Store and search hyperlinks.
Whoami Your IP and related info.
Whois Whois data, DNS data, IP, GEO, ....
Separator Separator for use in Chrome bookmark folders.
Favicon Replace favicon of bookmark.
AI Fast and Simple Artificial Intelligence.
Convert Muliple 1:1 conversions.
Transform Various transformations (, , ).
Forward Jump to page, hide source.
Ultralink Create link that keeps working if a destination stops working.
Loadtest Site stress testing.
Clip Web based clipboard.
Bitcoin Crypto data (82,200 BTC/USD - 1,808 ETH/USD).
Stocks Up to date stock data.
Assets Up to date asset data (auto includes stocks and crypto).
   Fun & Games
Cube Learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube.
Smiley Unicode emoji for copy and paste.
Games Game prototypes.
Mirror Use webcam as (zooming) mirror.

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